


Software overview » History » Revision 11

Revision 10 (jaap, 2012-11-09 08:33) → Revision 11/14 (t-oster, 2012-12-23 12:47)

h1. Software overview 

 From LAOS wiki 


 h2. Status 

 Nothing is (officially) released yet. There is just a "last known good" with no specific definition of _good_.. 

 If you just need something to run on you laser, download the "last known good" combination of versions from the list below. If you want to develop and modify things, or need new features take the latest version of the components from the subversion repository at "":  

 h2. Last known Good 

 Use this configuration to get you started. Depending on your laser and network configuration you may need to do some configuration. 
 Download these packages: 

 * Firmware V0.3 (Dated 7-7-2012, SVN rev410) - ["Download":] and save to your MBED. 
 * Configuration file for your laser - HPC 3020 version . ["Download":] and save to your MBED as *config.txt* 
 * A Drawing program: ["Inkscape":] version 0.47 (Linux). See below for other suggestions 
 * Visicut V1.5-62 ["Download":] V1.3.4 ["Download":] and install (Java required, does not need pstoedit or CUPS) 

 For the CUPS printer driver Download these packages (Visicut not required): 
 * pstoedit - Laos version (Dated 7-7-2012) ["Download":], and *install using "these instructions":/index.php/Install_ubuntu11*. 
 * CUPS Printer Driver (SVN rev410) - ["Download":] and install. 

 *Note:* You can use the printer-driver and VisiCut independently. The printer-driver currently requires a Linux desktop or Server (you can print from Windows or MAC to this computer). A stand-alone windows or 
 MAC version is expected soon. 

 h2. Development 

 * Development Firmware V0.4 (Dated 11-aug-2012) Fixes the laser power on problem- ["Download":] and save to your MBED. 
 * More versions of the "Firmware":/index.php/Firmware are available on the [[Firmware]] page. 

 If you want to develop the software, read along. 

 h3. Components 

 The software consists of various parts: 

 # "CUPS printer driver": to convert application output to the laser cutter and provide printer settings 
 # "Firmware":/index.php/Firmware 
 # Optional: Thomas Oster's [[VisiCut]] JAVA driver software (does not require printer driver) 

 h3. Printer driver 

 The CUPS printer driver is described "here":/index.php/PrinterDriver. 

 Follow "these instructions":/index.php/Install_ubuntu11 to build and install ps2edit and CUPS printer driver. 

 h3. Drawing program 

 Any program can be used to make drawings and images that are sent to the laser cutter. Your favorite word-processor or image editor can be used. However: Consider that some programs are better suited for some task than others. Some examples: 

 * If you want to laser text: Use a text editor (like word, or open-office writer) 
 * If you want to laser images: Use GIMP or PAINT 
 * If you want to laser cut technical drawings: use a CAD program 
 * If you want to design PCB's: Use KiCAD 
 * ["InkScape":] is a generic open source drawing program, that can be used for various tasks. 

 h3. VisiCut software 

 This software is optional, but provides a stand-alone way to control the laser, independent of a printer driver. An installation and end users guide can be found on the ["LaOS Visicut User Guide":]. VisiCut is not a drawing program, you need some other program to make the drawings and images you want to laser. No administrator rights are required to install Visicut. Background is on the "VisiCut": page. The settings for a LaOS HPC3020 are "here":/index.php/VisiCut_settings.