


SD Card issues, reboot loop.

Added by hpux735 about 10 years ago

Hi all,

I've got my board fully assembled, and it passed all the tests other than the SD card. I thought it might be a fluke, so I continued on, and installed it in the chassis. With the production firmware, it now basically boot loops looking for the SD card:

AOS v0.3-
Nov 14 2014 15:43:10...
No disk, or could not put SD card in to SPI idle state
AOS v0.3-
Nov 14 2014 15:43:10...
No disk, or could not put SD card in to SPI idle state

I'm using a 512MB card that I have available. All my other SD cards are more than 2GB. Is there something specific I should look for while looking for some other to try? Is it even a problem with the card itself?


Replies (2)

RE: SD Card issues, reboot loop. - Added by hpux735 about 10 years ago

Also, on some of the reboots it says:

No disk, or could not put SD card in to SPI idle state
Didn't get a response from the disk
Set 512-byte block timed out

I found a 1GB card, and it did exactly the same thing?

Has anyone else seen this happen?

RE: SD Card issues, reboot loop. - Added by hpux735 about 10 years ago

Well, I went digging through the source, and I saw that that exact error message occurs in the very first SD card function. This told me that it was very likely to be a hardware problem. So, I measured continuity between the SPI pins on the mbed and the pads of an installed SD card (through the little windows in the socket). Sure enough, one of them had a bad solder joint. A few minutes later, problem solved...

Sorry to waste bandwidth! ;p
