


LAOS CUPS driver OSX » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (m.winkler, 2012-11-19 19:39) → Revision 3/10 (m.winkler, 2012-11-19 20:00)

h1. LAOS CUPS driver installation under Mac OSX 10.7  


 h2. Before you start  

 h3. Requirements : 

 You will need Apples Xcode + Apple's Command Line Developer Tools 

 read, that should provide you with all you need 

 h3. Environment: 

 If you have macports or homebrew installed make shure your PATH variable lists 

 /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin before any other bin or sbin directories 

 example macports 

      $ echo $PATH 

      $ export PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/Users/user/bin/:/Users/user/bin/" 

 if you want to check against which librarys your programm has been linked use 

      $ otool -L <binary> 

 make shure that you don't link against /opt/local/lib, this is a macports library path and shouldn't be used if you want to  
 have a native OSX installation 

 if you run in problems with the linking use  

      $ LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib" ./configure 

 that will force the linker to search /usr/lib first. 

 h2. Installation of dependencies and laos-cups  

 Now we can start installing 

 h3. ghostscript 

 read first 

      $ wget 
      $ tar -xvzf ghostscript-9.06.tar.gz 
      $ cd ghostscript-9.06 
      $ ./configure 
      $ make 
      $ sudo make install  

 h3. GraphicsMagick 

 This is work in progress, pstoedit uses Magick++ so i compiled it but stripped almost everything to have a clean compile without installing  
 further dependencies, need to have a look in pstoedit/src/drvlaos.cpp to see what is actually used for image manipulation 

      $ wget 
      $ tar -xvzf GraphicsMagick-1.3.17.tar.gz 
      $ cd GraphicsMagick-1.3.17/ 
      $ ./configure --disable-openmp --without-bzlib --without-jbig --without-jpeg --without-jp2 --without-lcms --without-lcms2 --without-lzma --without-png --without-tiff --without-trio --without-ttf --without-wmf --without-xml --without-zlib --without-x --without-png  
      $ make  
      $ sudo make install 

 pstoedit will look for Magick++-config instead of GraphicsMagick++-config 
 so we create a link to cover this  

      $ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/GraphicsMagick++-config /usr/local/bin/Magick++-config 

 h3. tftp-hpa 

 the OSX tftp client doesn't work with cups-laos, install the extended version 

      $ wget 
      $ tar -xvzf tftp-hpa-5.2.tar.gz 
      $ cd tftp-hpa-5.2 
      $ ./configure --without-ipv6 
      backup the original, and install tftp-hpa 

      $ sudo cp /usr/bin/tftp /usr/bin/tftp.orig 
      $ cp tftp/tftp /usr/bin/tftp 


 h3. pstoedit 

 after gostscript and GraphicsMagick is installed pstoedit will compile 

      $ git clone -b laos 
      $ cd pstoedit 
      $ ./configure 
      $ make 
      $ sudo make install 

 h3. cups-laos cups backend + ppd 

      $ git clone 
      $ cd Softwate/cups-laos/src 
      $ make 
      $ sudo cp cups-laos /usr/libexec/cups/backend/ 
      $ sudo chmod 755 /usr/libexec/cups/backend/cups-laos    

 read    section "Installing PPD Files"  
      $ sudo mkdir /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj 
      $ sudo cp CUPS-LAOS.ppd /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj 
      $ sudo chmod 755 /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/CUPS-LAOS.ppd 

 h2. h4. Install the laser cutter under CUPS  

 now you can add a laser printer/laser cutter eader trough http://localhost:631  
 or OSX System Preferences -> Printer -> + -> cups-laos 

 h2. Notes 

 h3. Bug can't change device URI  

 Bug: Connection is allways "cups-laos://" and can only be changed  
 by editing /etc/cups/printers.conf 

 search for 
         DeviceURI cups-laos:// 
 the cups backend in Software/cups-laos/src/Config.cpp line 20  
 than recompile, copy the new backend to /usr/libexec/cups/backend/ and replace with reinstall 
 the destination of your laser printer/laser cutter 

 h3. "wget command not found" 

 if you are not using macports or homebrew but have already Apples Xcode + Apple's Command Line Developer Tools installed, 
 you can install wget with  

      $ curl -o wget-latest.tar.gz 
 $ tar xzf wget-latest.tar.gz 
 $ cd wget-x.y.z # Verzeichnis, das im latest Archiv verpackt war, z.B. wget-1.11.4 
 $ ./configure 
 $ make 
 $ sudo make install 

 otherwise just download the sources with your browser in cups admin interface