


Setting up the Compiler, but just not working.

Added by DaveStyles over 11 years ago

Morning all.

I've followed Adam's instructions to the letter.

((DELETED -in this document here..
it says to select the
Windows: ARM Windows GCC (Sourcery G++ Lite) toolchain in eclipse.

This tries to invoke cs-make, which is no longer installed as part of the gcc4mbed install.
I find it only invokes "make" if although you leave the toolchain as is, you change the builder to
GNU make builder.- DELETED ))

The above does give you csmake

but you can change this to "make",

also, make sure wherever the make.exe is, is in your path in the environment variables in eclipse

right click on project, select properties, -> build -> builder setting tab, unclick "default", replace cs-make with make.
but then I still get this is my console.

11:14:39 Build of configuration Debug for project laser
make all deploy GCC4MBED_TYPE=Debug
make: *** No rule to make target `../../gcc4mbed/build/mbed.ld', needed by `laos.elf'. Stop.
11:14:42 Build Finished (took 3s.583ms)

any help gratefully received, as I still can't compile the firmware.

Replies (5)

RE: Setting up the Compiler, but just not working. - Added by peter over 11 years ago

is the GCC4MBED_DIR set correctly in the makefile?

I have used this recipe to make an offline compiler in a linux VM:

This is what I use now to compile.
I can make it available.
Porting back to the "online" compiler is also I can try to do: it should work, as I have not added anything that depends on the
offline compiler.

Also: we have a Laos user meeting this weekend: If you have any requests or wishes, let us know, we can set priorities (you being able
to compile if of course one of them).

With regards,


RE: Setting up the Compiler, but just not working. - Added by DaveStyles over 11 years ago


I shall go make sure it is, I went back to basics and followed the instructions exactly, and the SAMPLE programs now compile, but only after I did some messing with the build path in eclipse, I needed to add the location of make.exe to the build path in eclipse.

I think maybe I could have made sure it was in the windows path ?

I'm going to delete down the laos import and start again with it, because I've monkeyed around way too much with it already.

I'll report back,



RE: Setting up the Compiler, but just not working. - Added by DaveStyles over 11 years ago

Apologies in advance for the verbose error..

but this is double dutch to me, any idea where the issue is ? I can't see what it can't find.

btw.. there are no ".o" files around, but I presume that is what it is trying to create.

Now you see why people like me like the online compiler ;-)

I usually work in eclipse in Java, but we have a whole team of Development Support people at work, who just give us working environments !

This repeated many times for different files ->

make: *** [LPC176x/./NetServices/lwip/core/snmp/mib2.o] Error 2
arm-none-eabi-gcc -O0 -g -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -mthumb-interwork -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -I./ -I./ConfigFile/ -I./FATFileSystem/ -I./FATFileSystem/option/ -I./LPC176x/ -I./LPC176x/FATFileSystem/ -I./LPC176x/NetServices/ -I./LPC176x/NetServices/drv/ -I./LPC176x/NetServices/lwip/ -I./LPC176x/NetServices/lwip/core/ -I./LPC176x/NetServices/services/ -I./LaosDisplay/ -I./LaosFile/ -I./LaosFile/SDFileSystem/ -I./LaosIO/ -I./LaosMenu/ -I./LaosMotion/ -I./LaosMotion/grbl/ -I./LaosServer/ -I./LaosServer/TFTPServer/ -I./NetServices/ -I./NetServices/api/ -I./NetServices/core/ -I./NetServices/dbg/ -I./NetServices/drv/ -I./NetServices/drv/at/ -I./NetServices/drv/eth/ -I./NetServices/drv/gprs/ -I./NetServices/drv/gprsmodule/ -I./NetServices/drv/serial/ -I./NetServices/drv/serial/buf/ -I./NetServices/drv/serial/lwip/ -I./NetServices/drv/serial/usb/ -I./NetServices/drv/umtsstick/ -I./NetServices/drv/usb/ -I./NetServices/if/ -I./NetServices/if/eth/ -I./NetServices/if/gprsmodule/ -I./NetServices/if/lwip/ -I./NetServices/if/net/ -I./NetServices/if/ppp/ -I./NetServices/if/umtsstick/ -I./NetServices/lwip/ -I./NetServices/lwip/arch/ -I./NetServices/lwip/core/ -I./NetServices/lwip/core/ipv4/ -I./NetServices/lwip/core/snmp/ -I./NetServices/lwip/include/ -I./NetServices/lwip/include/ipv4/ -I./NetServices/lwip/include/lwip/ -I./NetServices/lwip/include/netif/ -I./NetServices/lwip/netif/ -I./NetServices/lwip/netif/ppp/ -I./NetServices/services/ -I./NetServices/services/email/ -I./NetServices/services/email/smtp/ -I./NetServices/services/http/ -I./NetServices/services/http/client/ -I./NetServices/services/http/server/ -I./NetServices/services/http/util/ -I./NetServices/services/mysql/ -I./NetServices/services/ntp/ -Ic:/gcc4mbed/mri -Ic:/gcc4mbed/external/mbed -Ic:/gcc4mbed/external/mbed/LPC1768 -DTARGET_LPC1768 -DMRI_ENABLE=1 -DMRI_INIT_PARAMETERS='"MRI_UART_MBED_USB"' -DMRI_BREAK_ON_INIT=1 -DMRI_SEMIHOST_STDIO=1 -MMD -MP -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wcast-align -Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -c NetServices/lwip/core/snmp/msg_in.c -o LPC176x/./NetServices/lwip/core/snmp/msg_in.o
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, arm-none-eabi-gcc -O0 -g -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -mthumb-interwork -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -I./ -I./ConfigFile/ -I./FATFileSystem/ -I./FATFileSystem/option/ -I./LPC176x/ -I./LPC176x/FATFileSystem/ -I./LPC176x/NetServices/ -I./LPC176x/NetServices/drv/ -I./LPC176x/NetServices/lwip/ -I./LPC176x/NetServices/lwip/core/ -I./LPC176x/NetServices/services/ -I./LaosDisplay/ -I./LaosFile/ -I./LaosFile/SDFileSystem/ -I./LaosIO/ -I./LaosMenu/ -I./LaosMotion/ -I./LaosMotion/grbl/ -I./LaosServer/ -I./LaosServer/TFTPServer/ -I./NetServices/ -I./NetServices/api/ -I./NetServices/core/ -I./NetServices/dbg/ -I./NetServices/drv/ -I./NetServices/drv/at/ -I./NetServices/drv/eth/ -I./NetServices/drv/gprs/ -I./NetServices/drv/gprsmodule/ -I./NetServices/drv/serial/ -I./NetServices/drv/serial/buf/ -I./NetServices/drv/serial/lwip/ -I./NetServices/drv/serial/usb/ -I./NetServices/drv/umtsstick/ -I./NetServices/drv/usb/ -I./NetServices/if/ -I./NetServices/if/eth/ -I./NetServices/if/gprsmodule/ -I./NetServices/if/lwip/ -I./NetServices/if/net/ -I./NetServices/if/ppp/ -I./NetServices/if/umtsstick/ -I./NetServices/lwip/ -I./NetServices/lwip/arch/ -I./NetServices/lwip/core/ -I./NetServices/lwip/core/ipv4/ -I./NetServices/lwip/core/snmp/ -I./NetServices/lwip/include/ -I./NetServices/lwip/include/ipv4/ -I./NetServices/lwip/include/lwip/ -I./NetServices/lwip/include/netif/ -I./NetServices/lwip/netif/ -I./NetServices/lwip/netif/ppp/ -I./NetServices/services/ -I./NetServices/services/email/ -I./NetServices/services/email/smtp/ -I./NetServices/services/http/ -I./NetServices/services/http/client/ -I./NetServices/services/http/server/ -I./NetServices/services/http/util/ -I./NetServices/services/mysql/ -I./NetServices/services/ntp/ -Ic:/gcc4mbed/mri -Ic:/gcc4mbed/external/mbed -Ic:/gcc4mbed/external/mbed/LPC1768 -DTARGET_LPC1768 -DMRI_ENABLE=1 -DMRI_INIT_PARAMETERS=\"MRI_UART_MBED_USB\" -DMRI_BREAK_ON_INIT=1 -DMRI_SEMIHOST_STDIO=1 -MMD -MP -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wcast-align -Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -c NetServices/lwip/core/snmp/msg_in.c -o LPC176x/./NetServices/lwip/core/snmp/msg_in.o, ...) failed.
mkdir LPC176x\.\NetServices\lwip\core\snmp\ >nul 2>nul & exit 0
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.

RE: Setting up the Compiler, but just not working. - Added by Daid over 11 years ago

Actually, eclipse is about the spawn of Satan for these kinds of developments. Gazillion configuration options with just as many things that can be wrong is a guarantee for problems.

But the error you have now is simple, "The system cannot find the file specified.", so it cannot find "arm-none-eabi-gcc" in your current path.

RE: Setting up the Compiler, but just not working. - Added by peter over 11 years ago

It's not dutch (i would know).
I guess it has something to do with the command in he makefile (& exit 0) on windows.
Looks like Gcc4mbed makefile issue.
