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Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by studiohead about 9 years ago
Hello All,
Been doing my research all throughout and would like to ask a few questions.
Some background, I am the Producer for a Mobile Software Developer and my sideline is that of a Pen Blog Shop. I am located in Asia but not China. Currently, I am looking to purchase a JL-3020 ( to do some simple name a logo engraving on the pens that I sell. The materials are mainly coated metal and Acrylic. Looking around I have found that the software and board which comes with these cheap units which goes as cheaply as 1450 RMB (204 Euros) in China on Taobao delivered within China. But after looking at what options that I have, I almost decided to pay for a 2400 RMB (340 Euros) ( unit with a few optional upgrades installed such as a upgraded "Biaxial linear guide rail", air assist and red dot position as factory options and free shipping to Shenzhen China. My plan is to fly into Shenzhen to meet my associates and pickup the machine and fly it back due to certain cheap airfares. (Much cheaper then shipping it out of China) I have a Chinese National on my full-time staff to help me with bargaining and negotiations. Based upon my checking I only need 25w of Laser Power to do what I need to.
What I want to know is that, would this setup work with the LAOS board for light duty, such as a few pens a week just to engrave the name and maybe logo?
What sort of optional extras show I get sourcing to buy? (Do I need to get a 24V Power Supply Unit just in case)
Do I get the factory to install one of these cheapo boards so that I can test the machine before committing myself to a LAOS board fully assembled?
What sort of diagrams should I get from the factory?
Are these any must get accessories or upgrades to consider?
Am I just throwing money down the drain or this is workable?
Replies (10)
RE: Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by studiohead about 9 years ago
Made the purchase for the machine, however, I am concern about the Power Supply for the LAOS board, things are cheaper if I source them in China, do I need both a 24v and 5v dual PSU unit to drive it as it seems I should not use the Laser Power Supply if possible from some of the videos I have watched. Any comments?
RE: Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by jegb about 9 years ago
I use external 24v PSU and a small dc converter for the 5v rail, note that I didn't mount the 7812 regulator on board.
RE: Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by jaap about 9 years ago
Drop in replacement for the 7805: Traco Power TSR 1-2450.
If you have 24v input, the 7805 gets too hot, you need a switching power converter like this.
RE: Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by studiohead about 9 years ago
What sort load should I be looking at as I would want to order things as a set from China. Notice on Lightobjects that their setup includes a 5A 24VDC PSU. Should I be looking at the same or higher? Is there a problem with higher output?
RE: Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by jegb about 9 years ago
In standby I get a 180mA, in movement I get 210mA (while homing), so any power supply of 5A is more than sufficient, you could get away with something like this
I use A4988 drivers and setting is low/mid current, so these do not whine.
RE: Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by jaap about 9 years ago
That depends mostly on the stepper drivers you will use. If you use Pololu's, you can probably get away with a 5A/24V power supply. But if you want to build a decent machine you might want to look at a bit more powerful stepper drivers. The rest of the electronics will need < 1A at 5V.
RE: Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by jegb about 9 years ago
I am using this converter with no issues, of course the drop-in replacement is nice, but at fraction of the cost for me the solution works.
RE: Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by studiohead about 9 years ago
I am looking around and found Which is about 30W or this which is 50W (Seems that this have a higher rating on Taobao for the seller)
I come from a software background so I am not too sure of the load requirements. Plan is to get everything I can order delivered to my associates in Shenzhen. So hopefully I can get all the extra parts I should be buying for this build together.
Do you guys think I should get the Honeycomb table for 80RMB (11.25 Euros)?
RE: Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by jegb about 9 years ago
Thats good price, that table you can purchase normally 25-30€, best price from aliexpress.
RE: Questions from a Newbie (Before Purchase)
Added by studiohead about 9 years ago
Got the whole item as well as the additional PSU for 24v and 5v. Right now trying to align the mirrors.