


OT: What water pump are you using?

Added by acubino almost 9 years ago

This post is some offtopic, because is not all for Laos Laser.

I lost my job and I have a lot of free time for made my old proyect with laos laser. I need to put the machine in the new emplacement, but i don't have a lot of free space for the water pump and the water.

My machine is standar 40W CO2. For now i have a chinesse sumersible water pump at 1100L hour, but i'm thinking in some smaller, because i need have smaller water deposit and this pump is really bigger.

What water pump are using for 40W CO2?, a smaller pump like this at 600 Liters hour, will be valid?.


Replies (1)

RE: OT: What water pump are you using? - Added by jegb over 8 years ago

using a small fishtank pump, perhaps if you add a flow detector and a temp sensor on the tank, can get an idea if the flow is cooling or not.
