Bug #48
closedMore information on the silkscreen
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Provide more info on the silkscreen:
- Pin functions of the pololus/stepstick
- Pin number and functions of the MBED
The LAOS logo!
Updated by jaap over 12 years ago
Pinout information of the pololu's is no on silkscreen. So is mbed GND and VOUT, plus the USB conn on the mbed.
Logo still needs to find a place...
Updated by jaap over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to Laos Mainboard Rev4
Inserted LOGO inside MBED footprint
Updated by peter over 12 years ago
Nice! can you also indicate pin 1 of the MBED, and a square indicating the location of the USB connector?
Updated by jaap over 12 years ago
I already had GND, but now it has a 1 next to that pin too. And the word USB in the location of the MBED usb.
Updated by jaap over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Assignee set to jaap
Solved in mainboard rev4