



Feature #49


3v3 for LPCExpresso

Added by jaap over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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The LCPExpresso needs 3v3 power circuit. Can we add that to the board? What is needed for that?

Actions #1

Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago

Good idea - I'm using an MCP1703-3.3V (there are also TO-92 packages, and MCP1702 is equivalent). No extra parts, things are stable as far as I can tell. Note that these regulators don't all use the same pinout.

For the connections, see my recent weblog post.

Actions #2

Updated by jaap over 12 years ago

Added space for MCP1703 and a jumper (to be able to switch between MBED and LPCExpresso).

Actions #3

Updated by jaap over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
Actions #4

Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago

Looking at the rev4 board, I'm not sure what package you've used - there's TO-92 through-hole version, which might be more convenient. This regulator does not have ground on the middle pin (it bit me once, just wanted to mention it).

Actions #5

Updated by jaap over 12 years ago

This is the MICROCHIP - MCP1703-3302E/DB in a SOT223 package. Farnell order code: 1627177

Actions #6

Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago

FYI, the through-hole version is MC1702, see Farnell # 1331485

Actions #7

Updated by peter over 12 years ago

The MBED is rated at 220mA max

so with the 3v3 to the pololus we may exceed the 250mA max of the 3v3 regulator.
We could search for a 3v3 regulator with higher current rating (500mA) or power the pololus with 5V.
The latter is possible, because the 3V3 logic voltages will still be in the 0/1 range (although they could
be more susceptible to noise). 5V would make interfacing external steppers and RS422 stepper signal easier.

B.t.w. The jumper is not required: if you do not place the component on the board, there is no contact.

Actions #8

Updated by jaap over 12 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
  • Status changed from Resolved to In Progress

Jumper is placed there so you can still use the board with MBED as well.

Alternative voltage regulator: Farnell order no: 9388338

Would that one do the trick? If so, I will adapt the board layout for that one.

Actions #9

Updated by jaap over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Now in github...

Actions #10

Updated by jaap over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Solved in board rev4


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