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parag0n, 2013-01-09 12:59

LGC Documentation

This page is intended to be full documentation of the LGC (laser g-code?) file format as used by LAOS. All dimensions are in uM, so multiply your millimeter values by 1000.

An LGC file looks like this:

0 0 0
7 100 10000
7 101 10000
0 1000 1000
1 1000 11000
1 11000 11000
1 11000 1000
1 1000 1000

Each command line of an LGC file starts with a number, which is the command. Depending on the command given, the file can then have a number of parameters, seperated by spaces to tell the command what to actually do.

0 - Move

0 1000 1000
0  X   Y   

The 0 Command moves the laser head to the coordinates specified with the laser turned off. The command above will move the laser head to X=1mm, Y=1mm

1 - Cut

1 10000 10000
1  X   Y   

The 1 Command moves the laser head to the coordinates specified with the laser turned on. The command will activate the laser, then will move the laser head to X=10mm, Y=10mm, cutting all the way

2 - Move Z

2 100
2  Z

Updated by parag0n almost 12 years ago · 3 revisions