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jaap, 2012-08-14 16:50

Setting up electronics and network for the HPC LS3020

This will show you how to install the mainboard in your HPC laser and get you operational. Have your mainboard (rev2 or rev3) assembled and tested, and download the correct Configuration file for the controller.

Power supply

There are different types of power supply and different ways to hook up the stepper motors and limit switches:

The original power supply has these connectors:

it's pinout can be found here: HPC_original_power_supply

The new July 2012 version has these connectors:

it's pinout can be found here: HPC_July_2012_power_supply

Both power supplies have a 3-pin cable with a Phoenix connector to connect to the LaOS board.
Color Signal Connect to
RED +24V J5.1 VMOT

Stepper motors and limit switches

There are two (known) versions:
  • one with a JST connector for the X-axis stepper motor and for the limit switches
  • one with a 12-pin flatcable combining X-axis stepper motor and limit switches


The combination new power supply with flat cable is described on the HPC LS3020 connections - July 2012 page.

LCD Display

If you have a LCD display module(LAOS_I2C_Panel_v03), you can laser a new front-plate and install the display
Connect the 4 wires of I2C bus from the main board to the display (1:1 connection for rev2 boards). You can
use a header, screw terminals, JST or another connector type.

Color Signal Connect from Connect to
N.A. +5V J10.1 LCD I2C.1
N.A. SDA J39.2 LCD I2C.2
N.A. SCL J39.3 LCD I2C.3
N.A. GND J39.4 LCD I2C.4

Ethernet networking

The LAOS board needs to be hooked up to your Ethernet network. The protocol used is TFTP, which requires either the LAOS CUPS driver or Visicut on your computer to talk to it.

There is a "net.dhcp" configuration parameter in the LAOS configuration file on the mbed, which causes the LAOS board to obtain an IP address via DHCP if set to "1". The default config file causes the LAOS board to listen on port 69 ("net.port 69").

If you don't want to use DHCP, you'll need to manually set a couple of network parameters in that same config file.

Updated by jaap over 12 years ago · 8 revisions