


Another LAOS meeting?

Added by peteruithoven over 11 years ago

How about doing another LAOS?
Maybe somewhere around end of june, or juli?
We can now do offline compilation, so it's easier for people to work on the firmware. We could do a dev sprint that day. Maybe Thorin (DingFabrik Köln) can walk us trough his improvements and we can merge some of it.
There has bin quite some developments in VisiCut so working with the lasercutter in general became easier.

I'm pretty sure Fablab Amersfoort can host it, we now have 2 LAOS lasers to work with, but anywhere is fine with me.

Replies (17)

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by jaap over 11 years ago

Yeah! Amersfoort is fine with me. I know Peter is quite busy in june with a robot project, so after that maybe...

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by drayde over 11 years ago

Are you guys at OHM?
What about a meeting there?

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by leenvw over 11 years ago

I've been following all discussions on LaOS and Visicut. I've to admit that I'm much more a user than developer. However, I would be very happy to organize a meeting where I learn how to update my laser safely.
Perhaps a split meeting for experts and non-experts?

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by l_k3 over 11 years ago

What about a meeting at 7.+8. September ("Makerfaire" Euregio Kerkrade)?

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by leenvw over 11 years ago

I prefer an earlier date and a more "private" setting.

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by peteruithoven over 11 years ago

I would personally also prefer a more "private" setting. I think it will be better for our focus and it's easier to spend some time on it. Also I wouldn't know how to arrange getting LAOS lasercutters over at Ohm or a Makerfaire.
Leen, maybe I could show you how we did it, using a switch?

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by peteruithoven over 11 years ago

So maybe we should try somewhere in Juli? I would prefer weekends.

How about collecting some topics / todo's for the day?

I'll start
- Getting started for contributors (walk trough offline compilation, overview of firmware)
- TFTP issues & alternatives to TFTP
- Using threads so we can properly enable cancel button and receive jobs while cutting.

2nd priority
- Limiting movement using max and min settings.
- Improving interface (software of controller)

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by leenvw over 11 years ago

This discussion was stopped somehow. Do we have ideas for a follow up LaOS meeting? I'm very much interested cause I'm stuck with some issues and very much interested in seeing what everybody is doing with theirown laser. perhaps

Fablab Groningen or my own workshop (also Groningen). Maybe Maker Fair Groningen in oktober? What about a demo with a row of LaOS lasercutters with workshops During the Maker Fair? I'm taking care of the FabLab and De Maakschappij, plenty of things to do. However with some help.

However my preference is an earlier date.

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by peteruithoven over 11 years ago

It's hard to remember things when there is so little response...
And my juli is fully booked in the mean time.

I started a Doodle to plan a meeting:

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by peteruithoven over 11 years ago

Alright let's do this on sunday 11th of august, during the day. We usually do OpenToko's on sundays and that seems to work.
I'd still be happy to get some input on topics for the day, but I guess we could figure it out during the day as well.

Fablab Amersfoort will host it, more info:

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by jaap over 11 years ago

Hi Peter,

Can we keep the topic limited to "hacking the firmware"? I would really like to focus on that, so we can really get somewhere, instead of touching many subjects but making no real progress.


RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by peteruithoven over 11 years ago

Of course, but could you be a bit more specific? Hacking implies using it for purposes it wasn't intended for.

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by leenvw about 11 years ago

I like very much to come over to solve some issues. Is 11 of august still the date and what time? (I've checked the amersfoort website, but didn't find anything)

Updating the firmware,somehow the laser cuts everything twice with the later Visicut software, engraving is tilting.

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by jaap about 11 years ago

Yes, sunday 11th is the date! Will discusss the starting time with Peter & Peter here on OHM.

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by leenvw about 11 years ago

Great thanks!

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by peteruithoven about 11 years ago

Hi Leen and all the others.
Let's do it 10:00 till something like 17:00 (this was the time slot I picked in Doodle).
I'll put something on the Fablab website.

RE: Another LAOS meeting? - Added by peteruithoven about 11 years ago

So that was nice.

The somewhat messy notes:

Short summary
  • We talked trough what happened in the last few months.
  • Jaap and Peter B got pretty far at an online compilation system.
  • Leen was able to update the firmware and configure his lasercutter. His engraving issue is now solved).
  • Peter U and Jaap did a few shorts test with Topy44's latest pull request (
  • Marieke and Peter discussed the interface of VisiCut.