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Strange behavior after panel installation
Added by arc310 about 11 years ago
I cut a panel for my HX3040, based on the one for the LS3020 (Thanks for that too !)
Now, it seems that the cutter crashes randomly. Even a simple circle cut won't be cut.
The same drawing with the laser disabled (Laser switch off) goes OK though.
I thought that maybe the 5V for the mbed is not clean (I take it directly for the power supply, without using a 7805 voltage regulator). But then, the cutter performed OK before.
Or maybe it has to do with the cable connection between LAOSboard and the control panel. It is unshielded, and previously the control board was either outside of the cutter or close to the LAOSboard.
The cable is approx. 70cm long.
What do you think ?
Replies (2)
RE: Strange behavior after panel installation
Added by peteruithoven about 11 years ago
What happens when you unplug the panel? You can still lasercut by setting sys.nodisplay to 1, see:
What parts does your laser switch disable?
RE: Strange behavior after panel installation
Added by arc310 about 11 years ago
Thanks for your answer. I tried to unplug the panel and disable it in config.txt, but the problem remained.
But I eventually found the source : my mistake (as usual...) : the wires on the ampere-meter were not fastened (washers not in the right place), causing a bad contact, and I think a lot of weird waves and PSU upset.
Now everything works OK