Feature #54
pull-up resistors on PWM opto out signals
Added by peter almost 12 years ago.
Updated almost 12 years ago.
Auxiliary Electronics
Depending on the laser power supply, it may be needed to pull-up the PWM signal to +5V (e.g. 1kOhm)
as there is a too-weak pullup in the laser power supply. The weak pull up will lead to non-linear power response
to PWM dutycycle.
Provide schematics for the connection of the laser power supply.
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Category set to Mainboard
- Target version set to Laos Mainboard Rev4
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Op het board betekent dit dan dat er een mogelijkheid moet komen om een 1K weerstand naar +5V te plaatsen tussen de OPTO-coupler en de connector.
Is dat wat je bedoelt?
En dan maar meteen voor alle vier de OPTO-outs?
- Category changed from Mainboard to Auxiliary Electronics
- Target version deleted (
Laos Mainboard Rev4)
After discussion with Peter: This is not a Mainboard issue after all: Pull-Up should be between the Power Supplies Own +5V and the PWM input.
- Status changed from New to Rejected
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