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Scale problem visicut
Added by arjan over 9 years ago
It has been a while since I touched my ls3020 laser, but I recently started again with visicut. The scale in Y direction is off by factor 2.
Not sure what couses this. Of course I can make changes in the firmware settings, but they were ok before, so I think it must be something else.
Where can I check the temp lgc laser file that visicut creates? This way I can check if the right coordinates are send?
Is there anything else that can couse this?
Replies (7)
RE: Scale problem visicut
Added by peteruithoven over 9 years ago
You could have a try with this:
Let us know what you find out.
RE: Scale problem visicut
Added by t-oster over 9 years ago
in VisiCut under the lasercutter-settings, you can set a path for the LGC file, so VisiCut will save the file each time you cut something.
RE: Scale problem visicut
Added by arjan over 9 years ago
Thanks guys,
I will check it when I'm at home. If its true what you mentioned, then I don't know how I missed it....
RE: Scale problem visicut
Added by arjan over 9 years ago
i found a way to get a LGC file. Just run a local TFTP server. The debug option is not in my visicut.
Dropping the file does unfortunately not work in Chrome and Internet Explorer. It just opens the textfile inside the browser
This is a square that is 10x10cm in visicut:
7 6 1
7 7 1
7 100 10000
7 101 2000
7 102 500
0 203 100330
1 99720 100330
1 99720 199796
1 203 199796
1 203 100330
1 203 100330
7 6 0
7 7 0
It seems like there might be a scaling problem in the firmware...
RE: Scale problem visicut
Added by Springuin over 9 years ago
Another possibility is that the stepper motor driver's microstepping setting has changed. If you, for example, had the setting at 16 microsteps and for some reason (bad contact for pololu/stepstick, changed dip switch for external stepper drivers) changed to 8 you will get an exact factor 2 scale error.
I didn't do the calculations, but the LGC file's coordinates look like a square to me.
RE: Scale problem visicut
Added by arjan over 9 years ago
That could be the answer. I changed the pololu's. I used them in a different project where I burned one. Afterwards I replaced the driver.
RE: Scale problem visicut
Added by arjan over 9 years ago
Yeah, using 2 different pololus. I adjusted the scale on the mbed. Now everything works ok. Thanks Spruiguin Peter and T-oster