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Using BeagleBoneBlack / Raspberry pi / CubieBoard
Added by peteruithoven over 11 years ago
Maybe naive but wouldn't it be possible to run LAOS on something like a BeagleBoneBlack / Raspberry pi / CubieBoard?
These all have GPIO pins and have the capabilities to do a lot more, like:- Running a better communication protocol,
- Handling lasercutting and an interface simultaneously,
- Turning a regular webcam into a IP cam for camera preview in Visicut,
- And in the future run a webinterface.
Here's an interesting comparison of boards:
Replies (7)
RE: Using BeagleBoneBlack / Raspberry pi / CubieBoard
Added by Springuin over 11 years ago
Possible? Maybe. A better solution? In my opinion: not at all.
- Running a better communication protocol,
That's easier with a Linux board
- Turning a regular webcam into a IP cam for camera preview in Visicut,
And that's easier with a Linux board
- And in the future run a webinterface.
And that's also easier with a Linux board
- Handling lasercutting...
- ... and an interface simultaneously.
Running an interface simultaneously is not a problem on the mbed; with the right implementation it's perfectly possible.
RE: Using BeagleBoneBlack / Raspberry pi / CubieBoard
Added by parag0n over 11 years ago
While the rpi and cubie are no good for realtime IO, the BeagleBoneBlack is actually a fantastic contender.
It has a pair of PRUs, basically secondary realtime IO processors onboard. It has been used successfully for running CNC machines, laser cutters and 3d printers with the BeBoPr board.
See for more details.
RE: Using BeagleBoneBlack / Raspberry pi / CubieBoard
Added by jaap over 11 years ago
From the BeBoPr page:
Software for the PRUSS has to be written in assembly and the lack of stack pointer and a call mechanism brings back memories of my first microprocessor, the SC/MP.
So yes: the BeagleBoneBlack can do it. But the question is, will this really help development? Or will it make development the domain of an even smaller group of highly trained professionals?
RE: Using BeagleBoneBlack / Raspberry pi / CubieBoard
Added by peteruithoven over 11 years ago
After talking to the developers today I also believe we should continue with the MBed for now. Using RTOS we can probably get the interface working and maybe even a webinterface.
RE: Using BeagleBoneBlack / Raspberry pi / CubieBoard
Added by Radagast over 11 years ago
Hej colleagues, for Rpi there also should be a real time kernel available.
I wish we would adopt RODOS - already used in satellites, real C++, no subset, supporting ARM7, Atmel AVR, Raspberry Pi, STM32/Cortex-M3, ... can live ontop of a GNU/Linux/Win and others.
It's open source and done the object oriented way. If only the open source community would realise its potential and finally use it (prior asking Prof. Montenegro for the code and they get it with all the getting started ... the FAT Filesystem is currently being integrated after development phase - anyway support is granted for the future and I think if Open source community would use it ... wow, an end to the overly redundant efforts spread everywhere in our community.).
If only we could have Linux and RODOS - the question is if RODOS will have access to the real low level for at least getting the REALTIME components to work properly. Also I have to figure out if Linux can live ontop of RODOS or if there is another solution.
RE: Using BeagleBoneBlack / Raspberry pi / CubieBoard
Added by jaap over 11 years ago
For what it's worth:
A Raspberry Pi controlled mini CNC Laser engraver:
RE: Using BeagleBoneBlack / Raspberry pi / CubieBoard
Added by peteruithoven over 11 years ago
Some interesting links:
Single-board computers comparison:
Beaglebone black
Raspberry Pi Camera cable extension the kit: