


RTOS -> requirements list

Added by hugomeiland almost 12 years ago

hi all,

as can be seen here:
there are quite a lot of options for implementing rtos in the laos firmware.

here is a list with requirements to make a good decision:
open source
ethernet support
build environment in linux
support for cortex-m3
board support for LPC1768 / LCP1769

Please share your ideas on these or new requirements so we can get to a solid list...



Replies (2)

RE: RTOS -> requirements list - Added by Springuin almost 12 years ago

I think a simple time based round-robin task switching RTOS would be sufficient.

More suggestions for requirements:
- easy to implement in the current code

The current ethernet library is based on lwip, so an RTOS that supports/contains lwip would be nice.

Looking trough the list: mbedmicro looks really nice, and already contains every other thing we need that's now in the closed source gcc4mbed libraries.
I've checked out the code; it is hardly documented and the build system is a python based set of scripts.

Building on linux:
git clone
cd mbed/workspace_tools

create a file with the name with one line:
GCC_ARM_PATH = "<<path to arm-none-eabi-g++>>"

python -t GCC_ARM -m M3 -v

This builds the whole library in a directory named build in the parent of the mbed directory.

RE: RTOS -> requirements list - Added by peter almost 12 years ago

The CMSIS Rtos inside the NOW Open Source MBED lib is now also a good candidate for me!
