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4 point beam ?
Added by arc310 almost 11 years ago
I tried to re align the mirror on my HX3040, but it seems to me that what I get on the cardboard is a bit strange.
When I push the test buttons, I get FOUR points, on a circle (approx 3mm diameter).
Here are the pictures for the 1st an 2nd mirrors. The cardboard is 1 inch wide.
What do you think ? Is the laser broken ?
Replies (6)
RE: 4 point beam ?
Added by peteruithoven almost 11 years ago
Maybe you should check the lens? I can't image how a mirror alignment could cause this effect.
RE: 4 point beam ?
Added by arc310 almost 11 years ago
Thanks Peter,
I tried to realigne the mirrors because the laser was getting less and less efficient at cutting. That's how I realized the beam was strange.
Do you mean the lens at the end of the ray, or is there a lens on the tube ? The first image is actually direct from the tube, since the cardboard is on the 1st mirror. The lens on the moving head is a long way from there.
I got this answer from cnczone, I will try it :
did you clean the front mirror on the lasertube ? take a cotton swab with pure alcohol and carefull swab the inside of the lasertube mirror maby tow three times don't push.
sometimes is just some debrie build up ther.
RE: 4 point beam ?
Added by peteruithoven almost 11 years ago
Hi Arc,
I meant at the end of the ray, but yeah if you get this after the tube, I have no idea. Hopefully someone else on the forum has.
RE: 4 point beam ?
Added by peter almost 11 years ago
looks like a nice TEM02 mode!
Not what you want. Laser tube end mirrors might be damaged of some other problem.
RE: 4 point beam ?
Added by arc310 almost 11 years ago
Very intersesting !
How can you tell between rectangular TEM11 and circular TEM02 ?
An interesting picture there, with 6 points. They say "Glass tube laser with CO2 depleted"
I replaced the tube (I ordered 1 spare) and it works.
What bothers me is that I got my laser in august and barely used it.
One mistake I made was to try it wit loose connections on the ampere-meter (washers not properly positioned, causing circuit cuts). Could it be the source of the tube fault ?